If the result is an erroneous path name for the remote system the copy
will fail. If the _d_e_s_t_i_n_a_t_i_o_n-_f_i_l_e is a directory, the last part of the
_s_o_u_r_c_e-_f_i_l_e name is used.
_u_u_c_p preserves execute permissions across the transmission and gives 0666
read and write permissions (see _c_h_m_o_d(2)).
The following options are interpreted by _u_u_c_p:
----cccc Do not copy local file to the spool directory for transfer to
the remote machine (default).
----CCCC Force the copy of local files to the spool directory for
----dddd Make all necessary directories for the file copy (default).
----ffff Do not make intermediate directories for the file copy.
----gggg_g_r_a_d_e _G_r_a_d_e is a single letter/number; lower ascii sequence
characters will cause the job to be transmitted earlier during
a particular conversation.
----jjjj Output the job identification ASCII string on the standard
output. This job identification can be used by _u_u_s_t_a_t to
obtain the status or terminate a job.
----mmmm Send mail to the requester when the copy is completed.
----nnnn_u_s_e_r Notify _u_s_e_r on the remote system that a file was sent.
----rrrr Do not start the file transfer, just queue the job.
----ssss_f_i_l_e Report status of the transfer to _f_i_l_e. Note that the _f_i_l_e must
be a full path name.
Produce debugging output on standard output. The _d_e_b_u_g__l_e_v_e_l
is a number between 0 and 9; higher numbers give more detailed
information. (Debugging will not be available if uuuuuuuuccccpppp was
compiles with -DSMALL.)
_u_u_l_o_g queries a log file of _u_u_c_p or _u_u_x_q_t transactions in a file
////vvvvaaaarrrr////ssssppppoooooooollll////uuuuuuuuccccpppp////....LLLLoooogggg////uuuuuuuucccciiiiccccoooo////_s_y_s_t_e_m, or ////vvvvaaaarrrr////ssssppppoooooooollll////uuuuuuuuccccpppp////....LLLLoooogggg////uuuuuuuuxxxxqqqqtttt////_s_y_s_t_e_m.
The options cause _u_u_l_o_g to print logging information:
----ssss_s_y_s Print information about file transfer work involving system